

The direct selling industry is a business model in which products or services are sold directly to consumers by independent contractors or distributors, rather than through a traditional retail setting. Direct selling can take many forms, including door-to-door sales, party plan sales, multi-level marketing, and online sales.

In the direct selling industry, independent contractors or distributors earn money by selling products directly to customers and recruiting new distributors to sell products as well. They are typically paid through commissions on their sales, as well as on the sales of the distributors they have recruited.

The direct selling industry includes a wide range of products, from cosmetics and personal care products to household goods and nutritional supplements. It is a large and growing industry, with estimated global sales of over $190 billion in 2020, according to the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations. Critics of the industry have raised concerns about the potential for fraud, as well as the emphasis on recruiting new distributors rather than selling products. However, proponents argue that direct selling can be a legitimate and effective way for individuals to start their own businesses and earn income on their own terms.