

A direct selling company is a business model where products or services are marketed and sold directly to consumers by independent representatives who are not employees of the company. The representatives typically earn commissions on their sales as well as the sales of any representatives they recruit and train, forming a network or team of representatives.

Direct selling companies typically offer a wide range of products or services, including beauty and personal care products, health and wellness supplements, home appliances, and digital products or services. The products are typically sold through face-to-face interactions with customers, home parties, online sales, or through other social events.

The direct selling model allows companies to reduce their marketing and distribution costs by relying on independent representatives to promote and sell their products, rather than traditional advertising and retail channels. It also provides independent representatives with a flexible and low-cost way to start their own business and earn income on their own terms. Direct selling companies are regulated by laws and regulations that protect consumers and ensure that independent representatives are not involved in illegal pyramid schemes or other fraudulent activities. Examples of direct selling companies include Amway, Avon, Herbalife, Mary Kay, and Tupperware, among others.